Spiritual Discussion

Eckankar respects all faiths and values spiritual freedom. We invite you to experience these teachings for yourself.

Have you had a spiritual experience?

Many people who come across the teachings of Eckankar report having had a spiritual experience.
These can include deja vu, dreams, an inner knowingness, seeing a light, feeling the presence of a divine
being, amongst many more. Eckankar offers spiritual discussions as a way for people to come and share
their own experiences. If you prefer to come and listen, that's okay too! In a relaxed and non-judgmental
setting, you'll have the opportunity to explore how divine spirit is working in your life. You'll also be
able to learn useful and inspiring spiritual tools that will help you understand and enhance your spiritual experiences.


The Reality of Spiritual Experiences

Visit www.spiritualexperience.org for a free guidebook and CD from ECKANKAR.